17 May Return to Hockey? 17 May
There have been some exciting announcements about the recommencement of sport, and your diligent committee members are working away behind the scenes to ensure we are ready. As we have said many times before, the wellbeing of our community is our greatest priority and we need to ensure that our policies and procedures are sufficient to protect our officials, players and coaches.
Although the NSW Government is allowing groups of 10 to train, there are a number of logistical aspects that need consideration before we can take the field. Hockey NSW have announced (embed hyperlink https://www.hockeynsw.com.au/latest-news/covid19-update-may-11th/) that they are working with the relevant authorities such as NSW Office of Sport to finalise the details for a safe return to training.
Until then, Hockey NSW has asked clubs to hold off on organising training sessions until they have provided us with a set of guidelines. As our governing body, we will respect their request and will wait until all safety requirements are in place.
We are aware that an extended time out from sport can lead to an increased risk of injury upon return. Therefore, we encourage our athletes to stay active during this pause in the season. The NSW Government have provided some useful information (embed hyperlink https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/stay-home) on how to stay active. When it is safe to recommence training, we will ensure that our players have sufficient opportunities on the hockey pitch to limber up before the season commences.
When will games restart?
As our club plays in five associations around Sydney, there are differing start dates and the length of the seasons are varied:
Men’s Grades 1-7: Sydney Hockey have announced a shorter season, commencing in July and running for around 14 weeks.
Women’s Metro Competition (Grades 1-6): The season will commence on July 25th and run for nine weeks, plus a full finals series in September and October.
Women’s North Competition (Grades 7-9): The season will commence on August 2nd and run for nine weeks, plus a finals series in October.
Master’s Competition : The season will commence on Tuesday 21 July. We have not received news about the length of the season.
Juniors: The season will commence on July 18th. There has not yet been a final decision about the length of the season.
Hockey NSW have announced (Embed hyperlink https://www.hockeynsw.com.au/latest-news/2020-season-rego-fee-update/ ) the following plan for the Hockey NSW portion of your fees:
Hockey NSW members who have already paid the 2020 winter registration fee will be given two options:
- Any member who has had a change in circumstance due to the COVID-19 pandemic can request a refund here (embed hyperlink https://www.hockeynsw.com.au/events/65354/)for the Hockey NSW portion of their fees.
- A member may choose to let Hockey NSW retain our portion of the fees they have already paid, and in return the member will have their Hockey NSW fees covered for the remaining portion of the 2020 season PLUSthe entire 2021 hockey season.
They have also given the option to any member who has not yet registered, to register by July 18th, to have their 2021 fees covered.
Our governing associations, North West Sydney Hockey Association and Sydney East Hockey Association have both agreed to refund their association fees too, which will be processed with the Hockey NSW refund.
As for the SUHC fees, we can confirm rego fees for the shortened season will be reduced, but we need to receive information from the associations who run our competitions before we can advise full details. We encourage our players to hold off on registering or requesting refunds, until more information is available.
Hockey Australia encourage everyone in the wider hockey community to download the COVIDSafe app, as this will enhance the likelihood of sport commencing safely in the near future.
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