Registration Update 7 July

Registration Update 7 July

Sydney Uni Hockey Club is back out on the pitch! Following on from the announcement by NSW Sports Minster Geoff Lee that all community sport competitions can return from 18 July, hockey is back, although our comps will all have a shortened season. The exception is the Masters Comp that will run for a full season with later start and end dates.

Masters fees remain the same, but all other fees for 2020 have been reduced in line with the lower costs charged by the associations for the shortened seasons for men, women and juniors. Please head to the Registration page and register with both SUHC and HNSW. If you registered earlier and paid the original SUHC fees, you will receive a refund on your credit card in the coming weeks.  Remember that your HNSW fees will cover 2020 and 2021 if paid before 18 July.

As always, our fees include SUSF membership.

For your information, the revised 2020 fees are:

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