Register for Women’s Indoor

Register for Women’s Indoor

Women’s Indoor Hockey

While the winter hockey season has come to an end it’s not time to pack away those shin pads just yet! There are two competitions and grades to choose from. Before completing the registration please contact the Women’s VP Sarah Puglisi at to discuss team availability and grading.

All players must have paid their SUHC registration fee and HNSW/North West Sydney Hockey Association (NWSHA) fee before taking the field. This is essential for players will be covered by the Hockey NSW accident insurance. If you played in the 2022 winter season for SUHC your NWSHA/HNSW insurance will still be valid. If not, register and pay for a Term 4 membership here.

Women’s Indoor Hockey – Mosman 2023 

Women’s indoor hockey is back at Marie Bashir Gym in 2023.

Marie Bashir Mosman Sports Centre

2 February to 30 March 2023

Thursday nights, game times range from 6pm to 10pm

Womens B division tournament

No training

Amount: $120

Women’s Indoor Hockey – Ryde 2022

Women’s indoor hockey is back at Ryde Aquatic Centre this year.
Ryde Aquatic Centre Indoor League

12 October to 7 December 2022

Wednesday nights, game times range from 7pm to 10.30pm

Two SUHC teams in the B division and one SUHC team in the C division

No training

Amount: $120

Registering for Women’s Indoor
If you are an existing SUHC member make sure you LOGIN FIRST before registering. If you are new to SUHC then just proceed to register and you will create an account when you checkout.


Click here to register after you have contacted Sarah.

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