Matches and Training Postponed

Matches and Training Postponed

COVID-19 update Tuesday 17 March

Hockey NSW released a statement today strongly recommending that all associations and clubs cease training and games until May. In support of this advice, all Sydney University Hockey Club Women’s, Men’s, Master’s and Junior’s matches and training have been postponed until May.

We must stress that the season is not cancelled and we will continue to plan for the season to commence in May. Our associations have not yet decided if they will shorten the season or push the season back to finish later.

Members of the premier squad who still wish to participate in individual sessions can contact Scott Barker at We ask our members to use common sense when deciding whether or not to train and follow these guidelines from NSW Health and the references below:

  • stay home if you are sick
  • clean your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol.
  • cover your sneeze or cough with your elbow or with tissue.
  • avoid close contact with people who are ill
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth


Due to the uncertainty surrounding the spread of the pandemic and the tightening of guidelines, we are unsure of the exact dates that training and matches will commence. We will recommence training when we are recommended to do so and will announce the recommencement of training on Facebook and our website. While we are disappointed to be deferring the start of the season, we are relieved to ensure that we are doing our best to maintain our members’ safety and wellbeing.

Take this as a great opportunity to work on your individual fitness before the season begins!


Further Information

National Coronavirus Health Information Hotline: 1800 020 080
NSW Department of Health Website:
Australian Government Department of Health:
Australian Institute of Sport:

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